Camping Rules for the 2024 Solar Eclipse at the Black River Drive-In:
1. Camping will be allowed for the nights of April 7th and 8th.
2. Maximum Rig Size 45’
3. You must purchase your tickets for camping in advance, on line at this site. See Purchase Camping at the end of this page. All sales are final, no refunds.
4. You must be self contained, no sewer, water, or electric hook up available. No waste of any kind may be discharged.
5. The restrooms at the concession will remain open for your convenience.
6. Parking will be in designated spots, on first come first serve basis, the management will have final say.
7. Arrival time begins at 9:00 AM, and check out is 12:00 noon the next morning.
8. You must provide proof of ID and contact information when you arrive. You also will be required to sign a release of liability for your stay.
9. Black River Drive-In is an alcohol and marijuana free establishment. Any one found using/consuming alcohol and/or marijuana will be required to leave.
10. By purchasing tickets for camping you agree to the above rules
Click Here to purchase a camping ticket!